I’m unable to log in.
Check that the email you’re using to log in is the same as the one you used for creating the account. Find registration email or any other from us in your inbox and check the address to which it was sent. Our services also allow you to log in using third party accounts – Google or Facebook. If you fail to log in using username and password, try to log in with your Facebook or Google account (if you have any) or ask for password reset through “Forgot your password” link. If none of the above helped, feel free to contact our Support.
The result is not what I expected. Can I get a refund?
Yes – If you are not satisfied with the result, you can request a refund through our Support. Please indicate in what aspect the result does not meet your expectations. Then we review your request and, if justified, refund your full payment. However, we assess the right to a refund and the amount of the refund individually. According to our Terms of Services, a refund cannot be expected automatically – it’s just our good will.
What is the way I pay for the services?
Our system allows you to pay a one-off payment, use a prepaid credit package (it’s more cost-effective) or sign up for a subscription plan (it’s is the most cost-effective). The first two methods are a one-time payment for a specific conversion or conversions in the selected volume. Payment can be made by credit card. The prepaid plan can be paid by credit card or PayPal. By paying for the plan, the user agrees to regular payments from his card, which will be charged automatically in the selected period and amount. With each recurring payment, the user is always informed by email when there will be the next automatic payment.
Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
Yes – at any time – through the “Cancel” option in your account settings on the website or the request to our technical support. When subscription is canceled, the plan will be valid until the end of the prepaid period and there will be no more recurring payments.
Why was my credit card charged without my approval?
We never charge payments to our customers without their approval. Payments are charged only based on what the user ordered. If you order a plan subscription, there is explicitly and clearly stated that payments will be charged automatically (monthly or annually) and that you can cancel the plan subscription at any time. With every payment you also receive an email with the date of the next payment.
If I cancel my subscription, will I get a refund for the rest of period?
It is possible to exceed the plan limits, even within first day. It would therefore be unfair to claim a refund for an unused period if the limits have already been used in that period. However, we assess this kind of refund requests individually and according to our Terms of Services, a refund cannot be expected automatically – it’s just our good will.
How secure is my data?
All data transfers are performed using the encrypted SSL protocol, which ensures secure data transfer. The uploaded data is temporarily stored in the data center storage closest the user’s location and is further processed according to the user’s request. The result is also temporarily stored in the data center. After some time, the data is automatically deleted (unless the user chooses to keep it in storage within the account). Throughout the data is not accessible to anyone except the user (unless the user provides a download link to someone else), or GeoCzech, Inc. technical support, if requested by the user.
I need to process the data in a different specific way. Can you help me?
Yes – if none of our tools suit you for processing your data and you need to process the data any other way, you can ask us for help through our Support and if it is within our capabilities, we will process the data for you. A special contract and payment terms will be prepared for this kind of work.
The resulting KML / KMZ cannot be opened in Google Earth.
The file is probably too large. The problem is that Google Earth has some issue (probably memory related) to open large KML/KMZ files – some users have problem to open KML files about 100 MB. Try to use other KML viewer instead of the Google Earth. Alternatively, we recommend minimizing the input data by e.g. deleting columns with unnecessary attributes, cropping the area of interest to the required minimum, simplifying the geometry and reducing unnecessarily high accuracy of coordinates (number of decimal places used) – detailed instructions can be found in our Knowledge base.
The resulting data is too large.
We recommend minimizing the input data by e.g. deleting columns with unnecessary attributes, cropping the area of interest to the required minimum, simplifying the geometry and reducing unnecessarily high accuracy of coordinates (number of decimal places used) – detailed instructions can be found in our Knowledge base.